
Hi! I'm Dana: I am a video blogger, avid writer, and dreamer.

All I want in life is to write, travel, and win an Oscar.

Enjoy my ramblings as I attempt to do all of it!

Or watch me try on my YouTube Channel!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


BIG NEWS that I'm going to announce on here before I make a video about it because no one follows me on here and I can't hold it in anymoreeeeee! I, Dana *bleep*, AM GOING TO LONDON! Now before everyone gets excited, this is soooo not happening soon. Semi-soon, but not soon. Since the beginning of time, and most of this is documented from family videos, I have been randomly faking an English accent since I was about 8 years old. This might sound ridiculous, which it is. But what 8 year old isn't ridiculous? This could be because it's the only accent I am capable of doing...if you don't count a Brooklyn accent-but that doesn't count because I hear that accent IRL alllll the time. But either way, London is happening. And when I say happening, I mean that I'm going to being living there for a year or slightly more, as (hopefully) a TV Production/Screenwriting grad student. (P.S.-How stupid is it that American grad programs have pretty much ZERO study abroad options? AND how stupid is it that a university can offer courses for undergrads in say, TV Production, that are not offered to graduate students AT THE SAME SCHOOL? It's not like they don't have the qualified faculty for it, just make it more advanced material!) So, I figured my two options were:

1. Go by myself or with a few friends and walk around like idiots not knowing which way was up and probably not really immerse ourselves in London-plus I don't think many of my friends would have the option to visit London for so long.


2. Go to grad school there, meet people and actually have the experience of living there, versus just a visit. Plus, being a student is the only way I could possibly afford it semi-soon because I can pay it off in installments when I get home.

SOOOO I went with option #2 and I have most likely found the college that I am going to attend. Of course, some things have to be ironed out, but can I just say that London does not screw around. Seriously. I was originally just trying to find a job or internship there but it's pretty much impossible! A. It is illegal for anyone to first go to the UK and THEN look for a job. You actually have to be recommended and set up by a current employer in the States and THEN B. You have to show that NO ONE ELSE IN THE UK is more eligible than you to fill the position. UM EXCUSE ME? Not to mention that EVEN if you have a job lined up for a temporary visit, you have to show that you have sufficient funds to last you the entirety of your stay-regardless of the employment! WHATTTT. America is sliiiightly more lenient. Yeah, slightly.

Either way, it is AMAZING. The school I'm going to has rolling enrollment...rolling enrollment? Which means they have 4 different times you can start your degree instead of just Fall and Spring semester. My only worry is that the program might be too intense for me to actually travel and see London. Maybe I can do a 2 year program? I don't know how that works...

Now is just the extremely daunting task of saving up a horrible amount of money within the next 7 months. Can it be done??

1 comment:

  1. thats awesome! yeah i really hope this works out for you but i guess the best thing you can do right now is get a well paying job and just build up a portfolio. basically any writings will reflect well on you ESPECIALLY if you can get published. good luck with this!
