
Hi! I'm Dana: I am a video blogger, avid writer, and dreamer.

All I want in life is to write, travel, and win an Oscar.

Enjoy my ramblings as I attempt to do all of it!

Or watch me try on my YouTube Channel!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Day in New York

So, last night, I did laundry. Which is fairly simple, right? The normal answer to this question is usually a yes. But not this time. I put my laundry in. Fine works for me. Then I put my clothes in the dryer last night, thinking that when I woke this morning, everything would be ready to go. I wake up, check on it and everything seems a little cool, but everything I touched seemed fairly dry. So I run it again. I have breakfast, work out, shower. I have about a half hour until I leave at this point. I walk back over to the dryer and everything is WET COLD AND DAMP. I don't really understand how I didn't notice this in the first place, buuuut I didn't. Ever so brilliantly, when I originally did my laundry the night before, I left the setting on cold instead of using HEAT TO DRY MY CLOTHES. So, in the end I caught a train at 11:30 am with wet pants.
Today I went into the city with my cousin Jon. It was the first time that I had ventured into Grand Central by myself, but surprisingly, it wasn't hard. Confusing, but not hard. I take the train alll the time, and I'm comfortable with it. But the enormity and craziness of Grand Central just makes me forget that it's just a regular train station. We ended up going to Union Square and pretty much just walked around for 3 hours and stopped to have lunch at a cafe style restaurant named "The Grey Dog". Verrrry good BLT but I looked like a monster eating it... Jon told me all about the subway which I am freakin' grateful for because I don't know what the hell I'm doing when I'm down there. The trick in NYC is just to always look like you know where you're going. Which, of course, I fail at. lol It was just really awesome to get out and see everything and I felt really great about myself after getting in and out of Grand Central alone. I plan to soonish go to the city and just explore completely on my own. That's the only way I see myself really learning about where I am-otherwise I just aimlessly follow the person I'm with and catch about 1 of every 20 street signs. Not such a good idea. There's a new King Tut exhibit opening and I am kinda obsessed with Ancient Egypt. I actually did my high school senior thesis on the correlations between Egypt's landscape and Mars. Inorite? Maybe next time I go to the city, I'll go with dry pants?

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