
Hi! I'm Dana: I am a video blogger, avid writer, and dreamer.

All I want in life is to write, travel, and win an Oscar.

Enjoy my ramblings as I attempt to do all of it!

Or watch me try on my YouTube Channel!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I have a plan!

I have a plan! I can't believe this has actually happened. My brain actually started working! So I realize I'm a girl who has the imagination to do everything and then I totally drop the ball when it comes to GETTING THE HELL UP AND DOING IT. Guess what? I'm changing that. In fact, it has already changed. Today. I figured it out. No, I didn't figure my life out, but at least the next couple months aren't such a complete wasteland of empty promises to myself. I'm going to see how things go as an entrepreneur. Why? Because I want to. Why else should I do anything? I'm 23, I have the time (because I made the time) and I have the fear, of course, of whether or not this will work exactly as I hope it will (but so what?) I was scared when I transfered schools, I was scared when I moved out, I'm freaked when I dance in front of people without being drunk...but I transferred and graduated, moved 3 hours away from family, and dance...with alcohol...and completely sober and crazy when I'm by myself! The point is, I am doing this anyway. I'm going into the city on Sunday to see what the whole deal is going to be about and then I will share it with all of you :) Look for a video about this too!

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